Adam Scheldt Adam Scheldt

Feeling Like a Fraud?

Do you downplay your accomplishments, attributing them to luck or external factors? Do you constantly worry that you're not as capable as others perceive you to be? Have you ever felt like a fraud, waiting to be exposed? If any of this resonates, you might be experiencing imposter syndrome.

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New Beginning, Burnout, Career Adam Scheldt New Beginning, Burnout, Career Adam Scheldt

Beyond Burnout: Recognizing & Navigating Your Career Tipping Point, Part III

Dave came to me after a long period of discomfort and was feeling not only stuck but also lost.  Through some careful exercises and practices, we worked together to locate him in his discomfort.  Through that process he discovered his tipping point and within the support of our coaching and counseling he began a process of discovery and re-imagining what his career could be.

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Burnout, Career Adam Scheldt Burnout, Career Adam Scheldt

Beyond Burnout: Recognizing & Navigating Your Career Tipping Point, Part II

I asked him if there were any days that were relatively without frustration.  The answer was a resounding no.  In sum over the course of 3 weeks, he had accumulated 104 marks.  In less than a month he had encountered 104 instances in which he noticed he was unhappy enough to necessitate redirecting his thoughts toward something more positive.  And so I asked him how many marks would be necessary before he knew it was time to make some changes.  Was his threshold 110? 150? 300?

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Adam Scheldt Adam Scheldt

Beyond Burnout: Recognizing & Navigating Your Career Tipping Point, Part I

Dave’s personal values were not really connecting to his job or his employer.  And the momentum of life largely kept him in place.  He shared that he didn’t feel vested in the success of his company, but he also didn’t know what else to do.  He had no drive and was left feeling stuck. Personal change requires a tipping point.  A fulcrum upon which the prospect of a potentially better future outweighs the force and heft of the status quo. 

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