Gratitude on the Go

You can have a really effective daily gratitude practice in less time than it takes for a Duolingo lesson or even in about the same amount of time it takes to walk from the bathroom to your bed, or to walk to your car in the morning or to a bus stop or a train… you see where I’m going with this. It really takes no time at all.

Here’s how to start. Put a reminder in your phone or on your fridge—wherever you put reminders that you’ll see (and adhere to!) every day.

Every time it’s time for your gratitude practice, simply take a good, cleansing, deep breath and mentally set an intention for your practice. For example, you can say something to the effect of, “I’m going to use these next moments to be grateful for the things in my life.”

Then take a moment to think of 3 things outside of yourself that you are grateful for. The options are nearly endless—the day’s sunshine, the smile of a stranger, your morning coffee, your family or friends, breath, some small (or big) triumph in your day… Just steer clear of things like “I am grateful for my good looks,” or “I am grateful for being such a nice person.” This exercise is a practice that looks outward to nourish our inner lives. So, as long as its something outside yourself, its fair game.

Once you’ve mentally expressed gratitude for 3 things (it could be more—no sense in limiting gratitude), sit with your thoughts for a minute and really allow yourself to enjoy the things that you’re grateful for. Whether they are big or small, enjoy a few breaths and celebrate the things for which you are thankful. Let them make you smile.

And finally, take another quick moment to thank yourself for your practice. And, then go about your business. Over time, this gratitude practice gets easier, and you’ll naturally feel more grateful for more things all the time. You won’t notice it in the moment, but if you stick with it (even for just a month or so), you will be able to look back and see a difference in yourself. And that alone is something to be grateful for.