One Minute Meditation
Here is a quick and easy meditation that is perfect for folks who are completely new to meditation and mindfulness or a well seasoned practitioner. And as you might expect, it takes only 1 minute! Read the instructions below and then give it a try.
Find a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted for a couple minutes. And have a seat in a preferably straight-backed chair. If its possible sit fully upright so that you feel supported but your back is slightly away from the back of the chair and you spine is self-supporting. Let your feet be flat on the floor and let your gaze soften or your eyes close.
Begin to focus your attention on your breath as it flows in and out of your body. Stay in touch with the different sensations of each in-breath and each out-breath. Observe the breath without looking for anything special to happen. There is no need to alter your breathing in any way.
Your mind will inevitably wander. When you notice this, gently bring your attention back to your breath, without giving yourself a hard time and without judgement. The act of realizing that your mind has wandered, and then bringing your attention back without critique, is central to the practice of mindfulness meditation. The ebb and flow of noticing and redirecting is very valuable
Your mind may eventually become calm—or it may not. Even if you get a sense of absolute stillness, it may only be fleeting. Whatever happens, just allow it to be as it is.
After 1 minute, let your eyes open and allow your focus to return to the room once more.
If you like this practice, try going beyond a minute. You may find that 3 or 5 minutes suits you better than just 1. Or if you choose to do this daily, try extending your time a bit each week to truly grow your practice over time.