Meditation Unlocks the Doors to the Self
Try one of these meditative exercises to start, build, or deepen your practice…
One Minute Meditation
A quick and easy meditation that is perfect for folks who are completely new to meditation and mindfulness or a well seasoned practitioner. And as you might expect, it takes only 1 minute!
Conscious Relaxation Body Scan
One of the best ways to create stillness in both your body and mind is through a systematic conscious relaxation of your entire self. Beginning at your feet and moving all the way up to the crown of your head, this practice will help you to release tension in your body and allow you the spaciousness to quiet your mind. It’s even the perfect practice to help you drift off to sleep at the end of your day. It can take a few minutes or as long as you like.
Meditation in Motion
Not all meditation has to happen while sitting perfectly still. By focusing your awareness inward on your breath and how your body feels as it moves through transitions, holding different positions, and movement, you can reap many of the same rewards that seated meditation provides. With the added benefit of heightened focus, balanced energy, a sense of grounding, greater connection between mind and body, and some really great stress release.
Right Here, Write Now
Opportunity for contemplative practices are all around us. And one of my favorites is contemplative writing. It is a beautiful embodied practice that helps to align our minds with our bodies in the simplest of ways.